"Political Economy of HPAI in Cambodia: Research Proposal", [PDF Acrobat File] Avian Influenza: The Politics and Policy Processes of a Global Response, STEPS Centre, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RE, United Kingdom, April 25, 2008.
"Cambodia: Fragile Hopes After the Killing Fields", [PDF Acrobat File] Justice and Human Rights in Cambodia Lecture, Whitley Auditorium, Elon University, Elon, NC, 7:30pm, April 1, 2008.
"Justice, Forgiveness, and the Khmer Rouge Trials", [PDF Acrobat File] From Auschwitz to Darfur: The Genocide Convention at Sixty, A Legal Symposium Marking the 60th Anniversary of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Chapman University School of Law, Center for Global Trade & Development, Orange, CA, March 13, 2008.
"Discussion Brief/Points on the Politics of Binding Constraints to Growth in Cambodia", [PDF Acrobat File] Workshop on the Political-Economy of Binding Constraints to Growth in Cambodia, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, February 25, 2008.
"From 'Warship' to 'Peace Vessel': Essex in Cambodia (26 Nov-2 Dec 07)", [PDF Acrobat File] Navy 2008 Stability and Security Conference, Marriot Crystal Gateway Hotel, Crystal City, VA, January 30-31, 2008.
"Cambodian, Hmong, Lao and Vietnamese-Americans in the 2005 American Community Survey: A Social Science and Policy Perspective", Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement, Vol. 3, Issue 1, an official publication of the National Association for the Education and Advancement of Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese Americans (NAFEA), with support from the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies and the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas, San Antonio, forthcoming 2008.
"Trade and Commerce in Southeast Asia" and "Education in Colonial Southeast Asia" Entries (with Pierre van der Eng, Australia National University and Christine Inglis, University of Sydney, respectively), World History Encyclopedia edited by Jim Overfield (University of Vermont), ABC-Clio, forthcoming 2009.
"Does Aid Dependence Worsen Governance?", International Public Management Journal, Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2007, the refereed journal of the International Public Management Network. An earlier draft was presented in the Department of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California (October 25, 2006); the Department of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (November 21, 2006); the International Conference on Social Science Research, Vancouver, Canada (December 10-12, 2006); the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada (December 13, 2006), and the Department of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Syracuse University (February 1, 2007). E-mail if you'd like a FREE copy of the article.
"The Political Economy of Aid and Governance in Cambodia", Asian Journal of Political Science, Volume 15, Issue 1, April 2007, a refereed journal of the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore. E-mail if you'd like a FREE copy of the article.
"Khmer Rouge", "Kampuchea", and "Pol Pot" Entries (with Susan Ear, UC Berkeley), World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia edited by Cyprian P. Blamires (University of Oxford), ABC-Clio, 2006.
"Human Rights & Freedom of Expression Events: Learning from Experience" [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation] Research Paper Presentation, Pact Cambodia, Phnom Penh, May 5, 2006. The complete paper, entitled "Change and Continuity in Cambodian Human Rights and Freedom of Expression: Learning from Experience" is available here [but be forewarned, it's a 279 page, 3.8 megabyte PDF Acrobat File].
The Political Economy of Aid, Governance, and Policy-Making: Cambodia in Global, National, and Sectoral Perspectives, [1.8 megabyte PDF Acrobat File] Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, filed April 19, 2006. The "official" University copy, with an abstract and 24 page preview (stored by ProQuest Information and Learning Company) is available for purchase here, but why pay money?
"The Political Economy of Pro-Poor Livestock Policy in Cambodia," [PDF Acrobat File] Working Paper 26, Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, August 2005. A Policy Brief version of the paper (for those who don't have time to read all 66 of its pages) was published at the same time and is available here. Those who have even less time can glance at the abstract!
"Governance and Economic Performance: Credibility, Political Will, and Reform," [PDF Acrobat File] Cambodian Economic Review, Cambodian Economic Association, May 2005.
"One Way Out," (with Cam Youk Lim) [PDF Acrobat File] The New York Times, Section 6; Column 1; Magazine Desk; LIVES; Pg. 134, April 17, 2005. Reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, April 19, 2005.
"Can Aid Both Help and Hinder Governance?" [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation] Paper Presentation Seminar, Asian Development Bank Headquarters, Manila, Philippines, November 9, 2004.
"Towards Understanding Social Protection in Cambodia," (with Sophal Chan) [PDF Acrobat File], Cambodia Development Review, Vol. 8, Issue 4, Cambodia Development Resource Institute, October-December 2004. Presented [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation] at the 7th Socio-Cultural Research Congress on Cambodia, Royal University of Phnom Penh, 16 November 2004, and reprinted in Congress Proceedings. Full report commissioned by the World Bank was presented (with Sophal Chan) as "Cambodia: Expenditure Analysis and Stocktaking of Social Protection" at the Dialogue on Social Protection, Phnom Penh, July 19-20, 2004.
"Language As Freedom / My Language Is My Passport," Survivor Stories, Documentation Center of Cambodia, 2004.
"Op-Ed Avoids Real Problem," The Daily Californian, Letter to the Editor, Friday, September 26, 2003.
"A man with no enemies," (with Dr. Peter Li) The Phnom Penh Post, Letter to the Editor, Issue 12/06, March 14-27, 2003.
"Cambodia" Entry, Encyclopedia of World Terrorism: 1996-2002, edited by Frank G. Shanty and Raymond Picquet, ISBN 1563248077, M.E. Sharpe, Inc. (Sharpe Reference), February 2003. Don't pay full price though, just click here.
"Analysis of the Results-Oriented Workshop on the Roles and Functions of International Advisors: Towards a Capacity Building Strategy and Action Plan for Timor-Leste" (with Toshi Nakamura) [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], United Nations Development Programme, Dili, East Timor, December 11, 2002. Click here for the full report.
"How Does Spousal Education Matter? Some Evidence From Cambodia" (with Tomoki Fujii) [PDF Acrobat File], Asian Development Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, November 2002, a refereed journal of the Asian Development Bank. Presented draft of the paper [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation with Tomoki Fujii] on August 23, 2002 at a special Research Forum session held at the Cambodia Development Resource Institute, Phnom Penh. An earlier draft was also presented as a poster, International Symposium: "Sustaining Food Security and Managing Natural Resources in Southeast Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century". Organized by the University of Hohenheim, Chiang Mai University, and Kasetsart University (Thailand). Funded by the Eiselen Foundation (Germany). Royal Orchid Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 8-11, 2002.
"Human Development Report 2002: Deepening Democracy in a Fragmented World," [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], United Nations Development Programme Global Launch, Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 24, 2002.
"Has More Aid Worsened Governance Since 1995? A Large-N Study of Six Quality of Governance Indicators" [PDF Acrobat File], M.A. Essay, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, May 6, 2002.
"Change and Continuity in the Political Economy of Cambodia: Before and After the Commune Elections" [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], presented at the quarterly meeting of Khmer United, a community-based organization. SeaPort Marina Hotel, Long Beach, California, April 27-28, 2002.
"Tobacco, Poverty, and Socioeconomic Status in Cambodia" [PDF Acrobat File], One-Page Research Prospectus and PowerPoint [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], presented at the "Tobacco Control Research Workshop". Organized by the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, the Johns Hopkins University and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Felix Kwai River Resort Hotel, Kanchanaburi, Thailand, March 25-29, 2002.
"Cambodia and the U.N." [PDF Acrobat File], The New York Times, [Letter to the Editor Section] February 21, 2002.
Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Opportunity: Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa [Contributed inputs and comments], The World Bank, Report No. 24560, January 1, 2002.
"Transparency Through Government Initiatives: From the 'Washington Consensus' to the African Experience" and "Role and Agenda of the Private Sector" [Both PDF Acrobat Files of PowerPoint Presentations], International Conference "Building a Coalition for Transparency". Co-organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Center for Social Development (CSD). Sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), and USAID through the Asia Foundation. Hotel Inter-Continental, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, August 22-23, 2001.
"Cambodia and the 'Washington Consensus' Revisited, Following the Twin Crises" [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], Asian Development Bank Seminar, ADB Headquarters, Manila, the Philippines, August 15, 2001.
"Cambodia and the 'Washington Consensus' Redux" [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) Conference: "Southeast Asia in the Wake of the Crisis: Democratization, Nationalism and Responses to Globalization". University of Wisconsin at Madison, June 22-23, 2001.
"Romanticizing the Khmer Revolution" [PDF Acrobat File in Khmer], The Truth, Documentation Center of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Issue 17, May 2001. Original English-Language Draft [PDF Acrobat File]
Morocco: Poverty Update [Contributed to Labor Markets with Guillermo Hakim], The World Bank, Report No. 21506-MOR, March 30, 2001.
"The World Bank and Cambodia: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know... But Were Afraid to Ask" [PDF Acrobat File of PowerPoint Presentation], Cambodian Development Colloquium, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, September 23, 2000.
"Forestry Deja Vu" [Letter to the Editor], Phnom Penh Post, Issue 9/11, May 26-June 8, 2000.
Cambodia: Poverty Assessment [Contributed to Post-Conflict and Rural Development], The World Bank, Report No. 19858-KH, November 22, 1999.
"UC Berkeley Will Lose Out," The Daily Californian, Letter to the Editor, Thursday, November 4, 1999.
"Why Cambodia is No Basket Case," Pacific News Service, January 29, 1999. Reprinted in JINN Magazine, Issue No. 5.02, 01/18/99-01/31/99. Reprinted by South Africa's new media company, WOZA Internet (Pty) Ltd., February 1, 1999. Reprinted as "The Other Cambodia: Signs of Hope Remain Largely Overlooked" in AsianWeek, February 11, 1999.
"Cambodia and the Washington Consensus," [PDF Acrobat File] Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, refereed by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, Volume 11, Number 2, 1997. Reprinted as Chapter 22 in Peou, Sorpong, ed. Cambodia: Change and Continuity in Contemporary Politics, Ashgate Press, UK, 2001.
"How the Asian Crisis Will Impact Cambodia," The CICP Newsletter, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Issue No. 23, January-February 1998. Based on an interview with Radio Free Asia in January 1998 that was broadcast February 3, 1998.
"A Currency Board for Cambodia," Les Cahiers du Ceria, série rouge, Center for Asian Interdisciplinary Studies and Research, n°2, juillet 1997.
"Cambodia: Negotiating the Peace Accords," Les Cahiers du Ceria, série rouge, Center for Asian Interdisciplinary Studies and Research, n°1, juin 1997.
"Editorial: Peace and Democracy at Risk in Cambodia," Pacific Asia Review, Princeton University, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1997.
"Observation: Competition, Bargaining, Information, and Price Discrimination in Cambodia's Psah," The CICP Newsletter, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Issues No. 15 & 16, June-July 1996.
"Dollarization, Monetary Independence and Inflation," The CICP Newsletter, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Issues No. 15 & 16, June-July 1996.
"The Internet Comes to Cambodia," The CICP Newsletter, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, No. 14, May 1996.
"The Khmer Rouge Canon," Khmer Conscience, Vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1995.
"Excerpts: Cambodia's Economic Development and History," Khmer Conscience, Vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1995.
"One Side of the Two-Sided Switch: Benedict Kiernan and the Khmer Rouge," Khmer Conscience, Vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1995.
Cambodia's Economic Development in Historical Perspective. [PDF Acrobat File] Ronald E. McNair Research Paper, UC Berkeley, August 1995. Presented at the Ronald E. McNair Scholar Symposium at UC Berkeley, August 11, 1995.
"Cambodia's Economic Development in Historical Perspective (1953-1970)," Berkeley McNair Journal, UC Berkeley, Volume 3, Summer 1995.
The Khmer Rouge Canon 1975-1979: The Standard Total Academic View on Cambodia. [PDF Acrobat File] Undergraduate Honors Thesis in Political Science, Department of Political Science, UC Berkeley, May 1995. HTML File
Cambodia's Economic Development and History: A Contribution to the Study of the Cambodian Economy. Undergraduate Honors Thesis in Economics, Department of Economics, UC Berkeley, March 22, 1995.
"Are We Ready for Democracy?" Khmer Conscience, Vol. V, No. 1, Winter 1991. Reprinted in Nguoi Viet [Vietnamese People] Weekly, Vol. 13, No. 2101, May 23, 1991.
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