Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Literatures on Cambodia from Prof. Caroline Hughes


The Political Economy of Cambodia’s Transition (London: Routledge Curzon: 2003)

UNTAC in Cambodia: the Impact on Human Rights (Singapore: ISEAS, 1998).

Journal articles

“Transnational Networks and Political Contention: Human Rights, Labour Rights and Common Rights in Cambodia,” Democratization,14.5 (2007), 834-852.

“The Politics of Gifts: Generosity and Menace in Contemporary Cambodia, Journal of South East Asian Studies, 31.3 (2006), 469-489.

(with Vanessa Pupavac), “Psychologising Post Conflict Societies, Cambodia and Bosnia Compared, “ Third World Quarterly, 26.6 (2005): 873-889.

“Candidate Debates and Equity News: International Support for Democratic Deliberation in Cambodia,” Pacific Affairs, 78.1 (2005): 77-93

“International Intervention and the People’s Will: the 1998 Election in Cambodia,” Critical Asian Studies, 34.4 (2002): 539-562.

“Parties, Protest and Pluralism: the Case of Cambodia,” Democratization, 9.3 (2002): 165-186.

“Transforming Oppositions in Cambodia,” Global Society, 15.3 (2001): 295-318.

“Khmer Land, Khmer Soul: Sam Rainsy, Populism and the Problem of Seeing Cambodia,” South East Asia Research, 9.1 (2001): 45-71.

“Mystics and Militants: Democratic Reform in Cambodia,” International Politics, 38.2 (2001): 47-64.

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